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Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Digital financial literacy among adults in India: measurement and validation Cogent Economics and Finance 14-Oct-2022 10 / 1 / 1-21

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Digital financial literacy among adults in India: measurement and validation
Name of Journal Cogent Economics and Finance
Volume No 10
Issue No 1
Page No 1-21
URL https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/oaef20/current
Date of Publication 14-Oct-2022

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter Digital Innovation and Sustainable Business Strategies in the Contemporary Era The Impact of personalized beauty products on consumer trust and brand loyalty among Gen Z 06/03/2025 Manner Thirumalai Naicker College National
2 Conference Presenter International Conference on Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Future Business Impact of AI on the Tourism Industry from Customers' Perspective 26/03/2024 CHRIST NAGAR COLLEGE International
3 Conference Presenter International Conference on Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Future Business A Study on Ethical consideration in AL while evading consumers 26/03/2024 CHRIST NAGAR COLLEGE International
4 Conference Presenter International Conference on Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Future Business Perception of AI in the Marketing Industry: An Analysis of Job Seekers 26/03/2024 CHRIST NAGAR COLLEGE International
5 Conference Presenter 2nd Lincoln International HE Practices Conference Resilience and the Entrepreneurial University during turbulent times ? A model for Higher Education sector 02/11/2023 Welingkar Institute of Management, Banaglore International
6 Presenter Industry 4.0 and Key Drivers of Sustainability in Amrit Kaal Impact Of Influencer Marketing On Consumer Buying Behavior With Respect To Beauty Products - A Study Of Gen Z 28/04/2023 Institute of Information Iechnology and Management, New Delhi International
7 Conference Presenter International Conference on Innovation and Creativity, and computing application in Engineering, Pharmacy Architecture and Management A Study On Understanding The Perception Of Marketing Differences Between Men?S And Women?S Professional Sports Leagues 27/04/2023 Nehru Group of Institutions, Kerala International
8 Conference Presenter International Conference on Digitalization: A move towards Economic Growth A study on the technological acceptance among customers in Bangalore towards E-grocery applications using TAM model 21/04/2023 Dyal Singh College, Karnal International
9 Conference Participant Sustainable Development in Business: Striving for a new paradigm 21/07/2022 Christ University International
10 Conference Organizer Sustainable Development in Business - Striving for new paradigm 21/07/2022 Christ University International
11 Conference Organizer Sustainable Development in Business : Striving for a new paradigm 21/07/2022 Christ University International
12 Seminar Organizer Qualitative Research Study and Data Analysis using NVIVO 23/03/2022 Christ University National
13 Conference Presenter E-learning Forum Asia 2021 - International Conference Augmenting the Virtual Environment - Technology, Innovation and Humanity "Rethinking Syllabus and Curriculum Design for Hybrid Learning mode in Higher Education with reference to National Education Policy - 2020" 30/11/2021 Soegijapranta Catholic University, Indonesia International
14 Conference Presenter Nurturing and Transforming Business Practices in global Village Gaining Momentum in Digital Marketing - The Flywheel model as a new add on 30/10/2021 Dr D Y Patil Vidhyapeeth, Pune International
15 Conference Organizer Quantum Mechanics for Manager 23/09/2021 Christ University Institutional
16 Seminar Organizer Virtual space gaining prominence 12/08/2021 Christ University Institutional
17 Conference Presenter Global Perspectives On Business, Economy And Society - For Sustainability in The New Normal Sustainable Education In The New Normal 05/08/2021 ISBR B School International
18 Conference Presenter Post Covid Management Strategies - Recovery, Resilience and Adaptation The new models of teaching-learning under higher education in new normal 23/04/2021 IIMBG International
19 Conference Presenter Holistic Development of Future Digital India - 2025 The Paradigm Shift in Indian Banking Industry in last five financial year 04/11/2020 Seshadaripuram Commerce College International
20 Conference Presenter COVID - 19 Multidisciplinary Perspectives A study on Role of Government during Covid'19 pandemic 29/08/2020 SD School of Commerce - Gujrat University and GAP National


Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
1 Statistical Terminology
2 Classification and Tabulation
3 Classification and Tabulation Part2

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Structural Equation Modelling with SmartPLS and SPSS AMOS BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore International 27/11/2023
2 ?Qualitative Research" CMS Business School, Jain Deemed to be University National 06/03/2023
3 One Week Virtual FDP on Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Real Time Applications using R and Python RV Institute of Management National 01/08/2022
4 Research Tools and Techniques Christ University National 09/07/2022
5 Workshop on Qualitative Research Study and Data Analysis using NVivo Christ University National 22/03/2022
6 NPTEL E-Awareness workshop National 18/08/2021
7 Managing Online classes and Co-creating MOOCS 6.0 Ramanujan College, University of Delhi National 05/07/2021
8 Advanced Pedagogical Techniques Ramanujan College, University of Delhi National 30/06/2021
9 FDP-1 2021 Christ University Institutional 16/06/2021
10 Case Study Learning School of Business and Management & Centre of Case Research and Development, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 27/08/2020
11 Unleash the Power of Mind for Unlimited Success School of Business and Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) International 24/07/2020
12 Research Toolkit Webinar Series (Selection of Financial Econometric Tools and Reference Management using Mendeley and Zotero) Department of Commerce, Christ (Deemed to be University) National 18/07/2020
13 Rediscovering Experiential Learning in Higher Education Scope and Challenges Koshys Institute of Management Studies International 06/07/2020
14 Research Methodology, Publication and Ethics Ramaiah Public Policy Center with Elsevier National 02/07/2020
15 Mastering the ?GREAT RESET:? Building upon India?s Wisdom School of Business and Management, Christ (Deemed to be University) International 30/06/2020
16 Inclusive Research Methods Kristu Jayanti College National 17/06/2020
17 Statistical Data Analysis and Interpretation using SPSS Intitute for Statistics and Analytical Research, CHENNAI National 11/06/2020
18 Foundations of Business Strategy University of Virginia (Coursera) International 10/06/2020
19 Risk Management using Derivatives Kristu Jayanti College National 26/05/2020
20 Workshop on SEM and CFA using AMOS Intitute for Statistics and Analytical Research, CHENNAI National 24/05/2020
21 Data Analysis using Spreadsheet Kristu Jayanti College National 19/05/2020
22 Learning to Teach Online The University of New South Wales, (Coursera) National 26/04/2020


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Best Paper Award for International Conference International Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Future Business CHRIST NAGAR COLLEGE 26 March 2024


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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